Features of structural, energetic, electrokinetic investigation of energy and electrokinetic characteristics of thermoelectric material TiCo1-xMnxSb
electronic structure, electrical resistivity, Seebeck coefficientAbstract
The crystal and electronic structure, temperature and concentration dependences of the resistivity and the Seebeck coefficient of the thermoelectric material TiСo1-xMnxSb, х = 0.01–0.10, in the temperature range T = 80-400 K have been studied. It was shown that the doping of the initial TiCoSb semiconductor by Mn atoms is accompanied by the simultaneous generation of structural defects of acceptor and donor nature and the appearance in the band gap of acceptor band ɛA (substitution of Co atoms by Mn ones) and also donor bands ɛ1D and ɛ2D of different nature. The concentration ratio of the ionized acceptors and donors generated in TiСo1-xMnxSb determines the position of the Fermi level ɛF and the mechanisms of electrical conductivity of the thermoelectric material. Bibl. 14, Fig. 7.
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